Concealed Carry
Concealed Carry Applications are conducted by appointment only on Mondays through Fridays from 8am-4pm. To schedule your appointment please contact Lesley at 620-223-1440 Option 6.
To download the application click here.
The new Concealed Carry Handgun Law, Senate Bill 418, went into effect on July 1, 2006.
Some of the terms of the law are as follows:
- The applicant has to be a resident of the county they apply in. The Sheriff's Office has to be able to determine the residency of the applicant.
- Out of state residents may not apply for a Kansas CCH(Concealed Carry Handgun) license. Out-of-state residents may only carry concealed handguns in Kansas if their state of residence has been granted reciprocity with the Kansas law. During the month of July the Attorney General will notify each sheriff which states have reciprocity with Kansas' CCH provisions, however it will not be legal to carry on another state's permit prior to Jan. 1, 2007. When this list is finalized it will also be available on line at
- Every applicant for a Kansas CCH license must have a valid Kansas driver's license or non-driver's identification card, and must present it to the County of residence Sheriff's Office at the time of making an application. The Kansas driver's license or non-driver's identification card number will be utilized as a key data element for tracking the issuance of CCH licenses. No one may apply for, or receive, a Kansas CCH license without first obtaining a Kansas driver's license or non-driver's identification card.
- Applicants for a CCH license must:
- Complete and submit the CCH license application form to the Sheriff's Office of the county they are applying in.
- Present a passport-type full frontal color photo, taken in the last 30 days, (approximately 2 inches by 2 inches) of the applicant.
- Present approved training documentation. A certificate of training in a form approved by the Attorney General or an affidavit from a certified instructor is to be submitted with the application. This must be affixed to the application form. The approved trainers are listed on the Kansas Attorney General's office website. There is only one certified trainer on the list at this time for Pratt County.
- Present a cashier's check or money order for $32.50 payable to the Sheriff of Bourbon County, this must also be affixed to the application.
- Submit to fingerprinting by the Sheriff's Office
What information will an applicant have to provide?
- Name
- Place and Date of birth
- Occupation
- Kansas Driver's License or Kansas ID number(must present this card at the time of application)
- Social Security Number(must have proof)
Who is eligible:
- U.S. citizens who are residents of the county where they apply and who have been a
- Kansas resident for at least six months
- Must be at least 21 years of age
- No physical ailments that prevent them from safely handling a gun
Who is not eligible:
- Anyone who has ever been convicted, placed on diversion or adjudicated for a felony, adult or juvenile, in any jurisdiction
- Anyone who has a court appointed guardian or conservator
- Anyone who is subject to a retraining order under abuse or stalking laws
- Anyone in contempt of court for failure to pay child support
- Anyone dishonorably discharged from military service
- Anyone who in the previous five years has been determined as mentally ill under state law
- Anyone that has been ordered into treatment for drug or alcohol abuse or convicted or placed on diversion for illegal drug possession
- Anyone who has been convicted or placed on diversion for two or more DUI's
- Anyone who has been convicted or placed on diversion for misdemeanor violations of city ordinances governing assault or sex crimes
Applicants must call to schedule an appointment with the Sheriff Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at 620-223-1440 Option 6.
Applicants must furnish upon completion of the application:
- A Kansas driver's license or Kansas non-driver ID card
- A Social Security card for the applicant
- Place and date of birth
- Occupation
- Passport type, full frontal color 2"x 2" photograph taken in the last 30 days, affixed to the application
- A certificate of firearms training approved by the Kansas Attorney General or an affidavit from a certified CCH firearms instructor/affixed to the application.
- A cashiers check or money order for $32.50 payable to the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office/affixed to the application
- Submit to fingerprinting by the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office.
The Bourbon County Sheriff's Office will not be able to submit applications that have not complied with all of the above 9 requirements of the application. The Bourbon County Sheriff's Office has applications (See download link above) that can be downloaded and returned with all the proper identification, required documentation and checks. There will be no CCH licenses issued by the Kansas Attorney General prior to January 1, 2007. Once an individual receives his/her license they must have the CCH license on their person anytime they are carrying a concealed handgun in order to be legal. They must also present this permit anytime it is requested by a law enforcement officer.
Any questions the public may have on this new law, you may call the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office M-F, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. or contact the Kansas Attorney General's Office either by phone or on their website
To download the application click here.